How to Get Rid of Clover Mites

Clover mites are a common pest problem in and around homes, particularly during humid and warmer months. They can be a big problem for gardeners, homeowners, and even just people who have lawns. These tiny red spider-like creatures can leave a house full of itchy red rashes to the point where a person may have to take off clothing at night before laying down. In this article, we are going to discuss the nature of clover mites, what they are, how to avoid them in the first place, and how to eliminate these pests permanently.

What are clover mites?

Clover mites are a type of spider that is closely related to ticks. They get their name because they are often found near clover plants, as well as other types of vegetation. They can be identified by their small size, oval-shaped bodies, and four pairs of legs. Their color ranges from red to orange, and they can measure around 0.12-0.25 mm when fully grown.

The female clover mite lays her eggs on grass, leaves, and shrubs where the larvae will feed until they reach adulthood. Clover mites generally live for about three months, during which time they can lay up to 100 eggs each. These pests prefer warm weather conditions and high humidity levels, so they are most common during the summer months.

Clover mites are small arachnids (a class of arthropods) that will basically suck the juice out of your plants, flowers, and even your dog. These insects are pale and translucent, making them almost impossible to spot with the naked eye.

Clover mites can be described as plant pests since they feed on plant juices, affecting the plant’s overall health. A small colony of clover mites is enclosed in a web or sac that could be completely spherical. The “web” or “sac” acts as a refuge and also serves as protection from adverse conditions. Inside this shelter, the mother lays her eggs which then hatch into larvae and finally become adults. In some cases, the shelter is abandoned after several years, making it susceptible to destruction by predacious insects such as ladybugs and predatory mites.

How do I know if my house has been infested by these pests?

The first sign that you have a problem might be seeing tiny red dots in your home.

They are so small that they can easily pass through the screens in doors and windows, so you’ll often find them around the edges of doorways or on the inside of window sills.

Clover Mite infestations usually occur during late fall or early spring because as temperatures start to rise outside (but not yet high enough where bugs come out), these critters want somewhere warm, like our homes.

Why get rid of clover mites?

Clover mites attack in large numbers and can quickly destroy most of your plants. While they don’t bite or sting, these pests can be a nuisance because they can leave stains on surfaces and fabrics. They’re also known to cause allergies in some people.

Clover mites are tiny insects that cause harm in three ways: by feeding on plant materials, spreading disease, and damaging property. The adults are clear or translucent red and less than 1/32 of an inch long with six legs. Nymphs or young clover mites look like smaller versions of adults but with only four legs. Both adults and nymphs suck the juice out of plants and damage leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds by piercing them with their mouthparts. When large numbers of clover mites attack a plant, they can stunt growth or even kill it.

How to get rid of clover mites?

Here’s what you need to know about getting rid of clover mites:

Identifying Clover Mites

Treating clover mites is best achieved by identifying their host plants, which include honey locust trees, clovers, asters, lavender, and chrysanthemums. Then, check plants for signs of infestation, including leaf discoloration and webbing in the stems.

Clover mites also appear as tiny red dots on the skin. They can also appear as red spots on the skin. They move fast when they are on the skin. They do not live long once they come off of the plant they were feeding on, but they are hard to get rid of because they can penetrate deep into the pores of the skin and hair follicles.

These pests spend most of their time on plants, where they suck the sap from the leaves. You can often identify an infestation by the small red mites that will be crawling on the plants.

Vacuum regularly

Clover mites love to hide in cracks and crevices, so vacuuming is one of the best ways to remove them from your home. Be sure to vacuum around baseboards, doorways, and windowsills. Vacuum carpets and upholstery using the hose attachment, then throw the vacuum bag in a covered trash can outside, so that any clover mites in it get exposed to sunlight and die.

Wash affected areas with soap and water

The first thing you’ll want to do is to spray the plants with soapy water. Clover mites don’t like soap and will eventually fall from the plant. Place a garden sprayer underneath the branch being attacked, then fill it halfway with soapy water. You can use mild dishwashing soap. Then add water and mix thoroughly until you have a good lather going, and squeeze out any excess air from the sprayer so that there are no bubbles inside. Put the nozzle against the branch and start spraying. This method works best if you treat them in the late afternoon when the sun isn’t beating down on them as much. You should see the results within one to two weeks.

Apply insecticide

Insecticides containing carbaryl or acephate will kill clover mites on contact; reapply as necessary until the infestation has been eliminated. If you want to use a chemical spray, be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully.

Try natural remedies

If you’re concerned about using chemicals around your plants or home, there are several all-natural solutions that can help get rid of clover mites without harming them. For example, neem oil is an effective natural insecticide that can be sprayed on plants to kill clover mites. You can also try mixing one part white vinegar with three parts water, which will act as a mild soap and help suffocate the pests.

Diatomaceous earth

This is another great natural remedy. It’s made up of tiny particles that will cut through the exoskeleton of clover mites and kill them. To use it, simply sprinkle a thin layer over the infested plants once every few days until they’re gone.

Diatomaceous earth powder absorbs their waxy layer, dehydrating them and killing them within 72 hours. Even after they’ve dried up, they’ll still be contagious to other mites, so it’s important to keep treating the area until there are no more signs of infestation.

How can you avoid clover mites?

Clover mites are usually found in areas where there is plenty of moisture and dampness, such as around the edges of buildings or under mulch beds near your home’s foundation.

They also like to get into cracks and crevices on walls, so it’s important that you seal up any openings they could use to enter your house with silicone caulk. You should also remove piles of leaves from outside around your house because this will give them somewhere else to hide during cold weather conditions when they cannot survive outdoors anymore.

Prevent clover mites from invading your home by screening doors and windows that lead outdoors when possible, keeping the grass under your trees and shrubs clipped to 6 inches high, removing weeds from the area, and watering the plants deeply enough that the water seeps into the root zone, but not so much that it sits on top of the soil (or so little that it dries out quickly).

  • Facts about clover mites
  • Clover mites aren’t entirely harmless.
  • They like warm and humid environments.
  • They need food and water to survive, but they will live for up to 60 days without food.
  • They can go up to two months without water if it’s humid enough for them.
  • Clover mite bites are uncommon and cause only minor discomfort.
  • Some people may be allergic to clover mites.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does vinegar repel clover mites?

Yes, vinegar repels clover mites. For example, you can use a mixture of water and white vinegar to spray them away from the surfaces in your home.

What are clover mites attracted to?

Clover mites are attracted to light, so they may be drawn to your windows and other surfaces that have a lot of exposure to natural light.

How do you get rid of clover mites in the winter?

Since clover mites are dormant during the winter, you can try vacuuming them up or using an insecticide to get rid of them.

What do dead clover mites look like?

Dead clover mites have a dark brown or black color and they will often be found in large numbers.

Are clover mites harmful?

Clover mites are not considered harmful to humans, but they can cause damage to plants. They may also cause skin irritation for some people.

Will clover mites go away on their own?

No, they will not go away on their own. They tend to reproduce very quickly and they do not migrate, so they can cause an infestation that grows in size over time.


You should now be able to take steps toward ridding your home and garden of clover mites. Be patient since this is a process that may take several months, and follow the guidelines above for the best results. And if all else fails, you can always hire a professional pest control company to eliminate these miniature pests from your property.